Today's Prescription: Suits & Sneakers Kinda Girl

Happy Wednesday loves!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am very slowly, but surely entering the sneaker world. As a color queen, sneakers allow me to experiment with my looks, and they definitely come in handy during a shoot when my feet are screaming for relief from the heels. I know this is nothing new, I feel as though I have found the perfect “statement” look for me when it comes to wearing sneakers.

While there are multiple ways to style sneakers, I think my go to look will be to style them with one of pieces. I have officially dubbed myself a “suits and sneakers kinda girl,” meaning if all else fails, I’m going to style my sneakers with a bomb suit.

Ya’ll know I love a good suit, because I can dress them up or down, and just like sneakers, the possibilities are endless. It’s easy, and I feel like I can’t go wrong with this combo right now. Of course, I’ll expand my sneaker styling, but this is definitely it for me right now.

This suit is sold out, but you can find my sneakers here.

For all of my ladies who love sneakers, how do you style your sneakers? I’d love some ideas.

As always, I love ya’ll, be blessed, and stay fab!


