Today’s Prescription: Girl Boss

Happy Monday dolls! It’s graduation day! Yesterday was my hooding and I can’t lie, it was a litttle emotional. To see all of my family and friends supporting me almost made a little thug cry. I’m so blessed and I can’t wait to begin my next chapter of life. Here’s to post two of my “A Dose of Grad” series.

I’m always getting the question of how I managed to balance school and run my blog. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but you make time for what you want. So here are some tips, for doing what you have to do, and what you love.

1. Pick a schedule & prioritize: Graduate school was Monday-Friday, and I would shoot my blog pictures on Saturday mornings. My photographer takes about a day to edit my photos and I usually write my posts for the week on Sundays. That way I could still get studying in before my school started.

2. Plan, plan, plan!: My planner is my baby, so I had one for school and a separate planner for my blog. This way I knew when I'd have a test or project comimg up, and my blogging planner to write out post ideas, outfits, etc.

3. Budget: I knew that I wanted to continue "ADOF," but I didn't have a full time job. During my first semester of grad school, I worked a desk job at school to get extra cash to finance my blog. I also remembered, that I had my own style, I didn't have to buy every name brand, super expensive clothing or accessories to be in the blogging game. I picked out pieces that I liked and that I could afford, and it all worked out. 

4. Have FUN!: Graduate school and blogging together are hard work. Most people see the end result-the degree and the published posts, working with brands, etc. However, you lose sleep, you forget to eat, and somedays, you just don't feel like it, BUT be intentional! Remember why you started, and let that push you to keep going! 

I love ya'll, have a blessed day, stay fab!

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