Today's Prescription: God is Dope Tee

Happy Friday loves! I'm so ready for the weekend. It's been a long, but good week. Work has had me super busy, but a good busy. I love that I'm learning all that I can and helping people out. I'm heading to Columbia today to get my hair braided, did I miss protective style season? Then I'm off to Charleston to spend the weekend with Ciapha and his family. I feel like I haven't been to Charleston in forever.

Another day, another graphic tee, WITH a message. "God is Dope" is a clothing line that sheds light on God though fashion and style. I love the message, but I also love the line. I picked this shirt up while in Atlanta a few weeks ago, and I really wanted to share it with ya'll. If you've been following my blog, then you know I love rocking Christian clothing (I gotta represent). I believe it's important for me to support businesses that share the same beliefs that I do.  For styling, I went for a look that would allow me to wear this to church. A plaid skirt and black pumps.

So how do you style your graphic tees?

I love ya'll, have a great weekend, stay fab!



Zaria Dennisfaith, skirt, plaid, red, teeComment