Today's Prescription: Proverbs 16:9

Happy Hump Day fabulistas! It's been two days since graduation, and I'm coming down off my high. This is my final post for my "A Dose of Grad" Series, so I can get off your nerves about graduating lol. I really did not know how to end the series, so here goes. You couldn't have told me six years ago when I started my freshman year at Carolina that I was going to end up getting my Master's from one of the top business schools in the nation, but God works in mysterious ways. 

Lord knows I didn't want to stay in South Carolina, and six years ago, I was on the path to going to law school. But Proverbs 16:9 says, "We can make our plans, but God determines our steps." I thought I had my life all planned out, but what God had for me was more than I could have prayed or hoped for. I'm moving to North Carolina  (not super far from family and friends), with a great job, a second degree, and a blog. I say all this to say, that it's okay to not have it all figured out, because God has it all planned out. Trust Him, keep the faith, and it will all work out. 

Okay, off my soapbox, I hope ya'll enjoyed this series. Love ya'll!

